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Writer's pictureCaroline Neeling

Who or What is Your Remover of Stress?

Listening to ABC Classic while cooking yesterday (the bbq was wonderful fun, btw!), I heard the announcer mention Chintaharan, a Hindu god who is a "remover of stress".

Having never previously heard of this deity, I've been having a wonderful time today researching not only Hindu gods and goddesses, but also those of other cultures and times, who are credited with removing or preventing stress.

They include:

Freyr - Norse God of Calm, brother of Freya

Ascelpius - Greek God of Healing

Hygieia - Greek Goddess of Health

Pax - Roman God of Healing

and my favourite:

Quan Yin - Chinese Goddess whose name means "One Who Sees and Hears the Cry of the Human World".

Looking for images of Quan Yin, I was struck by the pose chosen by many of the artists across the centuries. She looks so relaxed! And in fact this pose is called the "Royal Ease" Posture, and far from being an affectation, is a canonical pose or mudra. I need to know more!

It is said that merely calling her name will bring Quan Yin to your side. On a more secular note, research shows that simply repeating a word such as 'calm' or 'peace', and slowing your breathing (perhaps while playing one of our Stress Less Music pieces?!) will help to ease stress.

Do you have a go to practice when you feel stress arising? Love to know your thoughts!

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