When researching today's topic - exercise - I came across a wonderful National Library of Medicine article (link below) which speaks of exercise as both a stressor and a tool for relieving stress, and which provides an "overview on the somewhat paradoxical effects of physical exercise upon the neuroendocrine system.". It's definitely worth reading if you are searching for the best use of your time and energy regarding exercise.
There are SO many conflicting theories and 'expert opinions' around the duration, type and the optimal time of day in which to exercise that just thinking about exercise can be a stressor!
To this end, I recently heard a podcast in which the interviewer was stunned to learn that his guest expert had reversed an earlier view on the best form of exercise. The expert described it as 'expanding his viewpoint', which I think is admirable (and humble) but the interviewer was visibly shaken given that he'd built his personal exercise program on the expert's earlier thinking.
My favourite advice on this subject is to find a form of exercise that's fun for you. For me, in previous years, that was tango lessons, which I am keen to resume when I find the right milonga.
This afternoon though, I think I'll follow the lead of a friend and take a leisurely stroll around the neighbourhood, glass of wine in hand, and check out the early autumn foliage.
Doesn't sound stressful at all!