Weekends are busy and people often have less time for social media. So we're offering Seven Second Saturdays, a weekly glimpse into music theory.
If you have seven seconds, you'll learn a little every week, and you might be surprised how much you've learned by Christmas!
It's actually not necessary to be able to read music in order to play an instrument (ask Paul McCartney!). But lots of people have asked us for a simple, step by step guide to reading music, which is one of the reasons our Director, Caroline Neeling, wrote her book RIFF, excerpts of which will be presented here.
Have you ever noticed that the black notes of the keyboard are grouped in twos and threes? Our image shows this, together with the letter names for the white notes (A,B,C,D,E,F,G and starting again at A), and finally shows where the notes are on the staff, the five lines and spaces on which the notes are written.
More about the lines and spaces next week. Do let us know if you have any questions!