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Writer's pictureCaroline Neeling

Deathly Discussions


It's a subject that many people don't want to think about, let alone read about or discuss. So do feel free to stop reading now!

The thought of death can of course be the ultimate stressor, because even if we live well and do everything perfectly (!), death comes for us all. Even with advances in technology such as cryogenics or 'mind uploading' (transferring one's consciousness to a machine), it's not possible at this time to live in one particular body for ever. And we don't know what - if anything - awaits us after we die.

While it's probably a natural human response to feel a twinge or two if we spend time thinking about death, there is also a phobic response to this subject, called thanatophobia. Whether it's your own or a loved one's death, the term covers an extreme fear of death or the dying process.

Having witnessed the death of a loved one in what was a calm, respectful environment, I do wish that our society had a more inclusive attitude toward this often taboo subject. While the shenanigans of Mexico's El Día de Muertos (The Day of the Dead) might be a bit confronting for some of us, there must be a way for death to be more of an accepted part of our lives, no?

Love to hear your thoughts.


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